MYSQL / AURORA Database Troubleshooting

Here is a look at some of the common queries that will be useful when troubleshooting AURORA database. Number of Connections by Host SELECT SUBSTRING(HOST, 1, 10) , DB,USER , COUNT(*) AS Count FROM information_schema.processlist group by SUBSTRING(HOST, 0, 10) , DB,USER ORDER BY Count desc ; — ‘’, ‘Portal’, ‘webguest-dev’, ’46’ Aurora Max Connections […]


Memory-Optimized Tables

Monitor Memory Optimized Table Space Usage Memory-optimized tables are fully durable by default, and, like transactions on (traditional) disk-based tables, transactions on memory-optimized tables are fully atomic, consistent, isolated, and durable (ACID). Memory-optimized tables and natively compiled stored procedures support only a subset of Transact-SQL features. The following blog post shows how to monitor the […]